Windows 8 / 10 (32/64 bit)

(1.92MB) BETA version

Windows 7 (32 and 64 bits), Vista (32 and 64 bits), Windows XP drivers

Windows 2000 and Server 2003 drivers

The driver to be downloaded is the same than for other Windows platforms.

For Windows 2000, this setup driver has been tested successfully on x86 processor.
The compatible ports are:

USB port

Standard TCP/IP port (Ethernet) 1

Please note that no tests have been conducted with IA64 processor.
1 - The Evolis port monitor is not compatible with the Ethernet port.

For Windows 2003, this setup driver has been tested successfully on x86 processor and the x64 processor.
The compatible ports are:

USB port

Standard TCP/IP port (Ethernet) 

Please note that no tests have been conducted with IA64 processor.
1 - The Evolis port monitor is not compatible with the Ethernet port.

Mac Drivers

Linux drivers
